Educational Conferences
The Latin Mass: The Journal of Catholic Culture
and Tradition and Keep The Faith are proud to present
the following conference for Catholics – especially
those committed to the timeless spiritual treasures of the
traditional Mass.
The Latin Mass Conference
in Monterey, California
Feb 22-23, 2020
The Vatican and the One-World Religion:
Are We Now Witnessing the Rise
of What Saint Pius X Feared?
We are extremely pleased to tell you that Father Anthony Mastroeni, Fr. Joseph Illo and Christopher Ferrara will be our featured Speakers!
This conference could not be more timely. As Cardinal Burke has just told The Wanderer in a December 26, 2019 interview:
… "ecological conversion" is being used as an argument for a one-world government. This is a masonic idea, an idea of completely secularized people who no longer recognize that the governance of the world is in the hands of God, Who entrusts it to individual governments, nations, and groupings of people according to nature itself.
The idea of a one-world government is fundamentally the same phenomenon that was displayed by the builders of the Tower of Babel who presumed to exercise the power of God on earth to unite heaven with earth, which is simply incorrect. What we truly need is a religious conversion, in other words, a strong teaching and practice of faith in God and obedience to the order with which He has created us.
In my judgment, these terms are very insidious and are being used to promote a certain agenda which has nothing to do with our Catholic faith.
This conference will address precisely this threat, coming from the Vatican itself, that Cardinal Burke is warning us about. We hope to see you in Monterey next month!
We want to offer these speakers a warm and welcoming greeting.
Bring your friends and relatives.
Tell everyone.
The conference will feature a Latin Mass on
Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
February 22-23, 2020
in Monterey, California at Monterey Tides, 2600 Sand Dunes
Drive, Monterey, California
Download the flyer and registration form. • Register for the conference
Register for the Conference Hotel Now!
Hotel Deadline is January 20, 2020
Featured Speakers:
Father Anthony J. Mastroeni, S.Th.D., J.D.:
Father Mastroeni was ordained for the diocese of Paterson, 1972. He earned a doctorate in Moral Theology from the Angelicum in Rome; a J.D. in Civil Law from Rutgers Law School; and an M.A. in Psychology from Seton Hall University. For most of his years of the priesthood he has been teaching university students, as well as giving retreats, mostly to consecrated women. From 1999 to the present Father Mastroeni has taught theology.
Father Joseph Illo:
Father Joseph Illo graduated B.A. in philosophy from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (the Angelicum) in Rome. He studied at St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York and was ordained in 1991 for the Diocese of Stockton. He has been pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Modesto, chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College and is currently pastor of Star of the Sea parish in San Francisco.
Christopher A. Ferrara:
Christopher A. Ferrara is President and Chief Counsel for the American Catholic Lawyers Association. He is a prolific writer for Catholic magazines and periodicals; he is active in the pro-life movement; his latest book is The Great Facade: The Regime of Novelty in the Catholic Church from Vatican II to the Francis Revolution (Second Edition).
February 22-23, 2020
in Monterey, California at Monterey Tides,
2600 Sand Dunes
Drive, Monterey, California
REGISTER ONLINE (this link goes to the Keep the Faith
The offering per ticket is
Saturday -
$85 per person and $160
per Married Couple
Sunday - $75 per person and $130
per Married Couple
Both Days- $160 per person and $280
per Married Couple
Tickets include a Full Buffet
meal each Day.
Conference CDs will also be available following the conference
for $40 per album.
The ticket prices of the Conference do not fully cover the cost that will be incurred by
Keep the Faith for this event. However, it is the desire of Keep The Faith to host this
event in a setting that will be both comfortable and
attractive for those who attend.
Any offering beyond the amount asked for each ticket will
help Keep The Faith cover some of the expenses of the event and
will be most gratefully received.
If registering by mail,
please mail your registration and payment to:
Keep The Faith
82 E. Allendale Road, Suite 8B
Saddle River, NJ 07458
For further information:
Call (201) 327-5900.
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